The App Store empowered many people all over the world to be successful and creative in ways that had never been achieved before.
How Customers Interact with Business
In the last 10 years, apps have become an important method of customer interaction with businesses. Apps help people in their everyday lives, from personal motivation and fitness to paying bills, shopping, booking hotels, paying for flights or making dinner reservations. In most aspects of a person's life, there's an app for that.
Billion Dollar Startups Influence Existing Businesses To Build Apps
Several startups ranging from Instagram, Uber, Lyft and Instacart used iPhone features such as the built-in camera, Apple Pay, GPS and Location Services to provide their customers with personalized, on-demand experiences. Their businesses began as apps in the App Store. Their success and popularity among customers also led to the development of apps from existing web-based businesses such as Facebook, AirBnB and Amazon.
In 2016, there were 83,000 app releases per month. While this number has slowed down, the number of app updates has skyrocketed. By November 2017 with the launch of the new iPhone X, there were 477,000 app updates per month so that apps can remain relevant to users. On average, an app is updated 1.4 times per month. Games, business and utility apps are the most popular apps to make among developers.
Since its launch, the App Store has been the most popular marketplace for games, from new games such as Angry Birds to favorites such as Pokémon Go, Pac-Man and Super Mario Run, a new experience based on the popular Super Mario game by Nintendo.