Ending a five-year experiment, Amazon is shuttering its pop-up stores while bolstering other brick and mortar efforts.
Photo by Richard Levine, Zuma Press
Amazon is closing its 87 U.S. pop-up stores, according to the Wall Street Journal. The shops are located in places like malls and Whole Foods stores and will be closing by the end of April this year. Amazon is terminating this five-year experiment, while expanding its brick and mortar efforts such as existing bookstores, cashier-less convenience stores nd 4-star stores, and launching its new line of grocery stores.
The pop-up stores currently take up a few hundred square feet of space. The stores showcase devices like voice-assistant speakers such as Alexa, tablets and Kindle e-readers. The staff are dressed casually in black Amazon T-shirts and encourage people walking by to sample the latest products.